In the past event, Fire Service Day & Week has been observed from 14th to 20th April each and every year continuously as a mandatory subject of the Ministry of Home Affairs throughout the Country. The effort of this observance can minimize Fire losses of precious human lives and saved uncountable properties involved. The main object of the Day & Week is to commemorate and to pay homage to those officers & Fire fighters who lost their lives while saving previous human lives and properties from the clutch of Fire as well as natural & manmade calamities in the past and consequent years. A week long awareness programmed is also follow-up which includes interaction with concerned staffs of lading Hospitals, commercial establishments, oil depots, Hotels and teaching/non-teaching staffs and students of educational institutions, etc. in combating with fire to minimize fire losses and also to inspect the Fire fighting measures taken-up in their respective premises and to see that suitable Fire fighting equipment’s are installed or not and whether they are functional properly.

About the Manipur Fire Service :- This organization has 17 Fire Stations/Sub-Stations distributing in the 16(sixteen) District Headquarters/Sub-Divisional H.Q. including its H.Q. Fire Station, Imphal with a total manpower (sanctioned) of 358 out of 533 actual sanctioned posts. 175 posts are lying vacant and out of which 122 posts are under process for direct recruitment.

Statistics: – Manipur Fire Service handles 218 Fire incidents of different magnitudes excluding 21 Special Service calls like drowning, vehicle accidents, etc. during the year 2018-19. The incidents so involved were of dwelling houses, residential Qtrs. shops, commercial establishments, educational institutions, Govt. offices, Hotels, vehicles, unauthorized oil depots, LPG stores, forest fire, etc.

Fire safety inspection of Buildings: – The building inspections were conducted throughout the year in the interest of public safety. During the year, high-rise building of all natures like Schools, colleges, commercial establishments, Hospitals, Hotels, Oil Depots, Cinema Halls, LPG distribution points, Godowns, Nursing Homes, etc. were inspected.

Fire Safety Awareness Campaign: – Citizen Awareness has been a top priority of Manipur Fire Service Department especially for School children. In this connection, a team of Fire prevention wing led by Sub-Officers under the supervision of Divisional Officer has been constituted and detailed to carry out Fire Audit for taken-up adequate Fire preventive measures. Any residential welfare associations/Schools/colleges/NGOs/Govt. & private offices/Oil Depots/Cinema Halls/LPG Distributers can write to Manipur Fire Service to fix update for training/demonstration/Mock drills, etc. This will be organized free of charges. Press and Media are requested to extend adequate coverage and help to generate Fire safety Awareness amongst the general public.

            In order to promote and create awareness on Fire Safety evacuate drill in high-rise buildings and other buildings such as School, Hospitals, Cinema Halls, etc. were organized in different parts of the State. First Aid Fire Fighting Training was also imparted.